One - The Serving Table
One of the best, most practical ways to use a wipeable tablecloth is on your serving table. The serving table at a party is usually the busiest and messiest of all the tables. You’ve seen it before…the first dinner guests dish up their food and one of them instantly spills on the tablecloth. Now the serving table is dirty for the next twenty guests who follow. And it gets dirtier by the minute. Before a party we usually spend time preparing and making the serving table beautiful, only for it to be quickly covered in spills and stains. If you use a wipeable tablecloth on this main table then you can take care of any mishaps immediately and the table stays looking beautiful through the entire party. Your first guest spills? No problem! It takes seconds to wipe that spill up and have it looking nice again. Keep that serving table beautiful!
Two - Open House Events
We’ve all attended open house events where guests are invited to come and go through the night. We’ve all filled our plates and began the search for an open table. AND we’ve all turned our backs on the gross table at the party - the one with the dirty tablecloth. We examine the table, see the spills, and continue looking for a cleaner option. Wipeable tablecloths solve this problem. When guests leave a table dirty it’s no big deal - quickly clean the area off with a damp cloth and it’s ready for the next people who will come looking for a place to sit. Guests strategically avoiding the gross table at the party is no longer going to happen - there won’t be a gross table! Every table will be wiped clean and ready to enjoy!